Monday, November 16, 2009

Ways to Sleep Better

1. Reduce Screen Time Before Bed

Stop checking your email or watching TV just before bedtime and you'll sleep better. A recent study showsthat people who consume electronic media (read: stare at a backlit screen) just before bedtime report lower-quality sleep even when they get as much sleep as non-pre-bedtime screenheads

2. Exercise to Enhance Sleep

3. Eat to Enhance Sleep
Some foods are more conducive to a better night's sleep than others, Like warm milk.

4. Solve Problems in Your Sleep.
Studies show that a little shut-eye can help you tackle problems andmake tough decisions.


Sunday, November 15, 2009


This is a series of relaxation techniques that you can do almost any where and any time. They do not take very long to do. Do not force yourself to relax - just let it happen . . .

2-Step breath - Fill the bottom of your lungs first, then add the top as you breathe through your nose. Breath out slowly. Feel the tension flowing out.

Tighten the muscle that you want to relax. Focus on and feel the tension where you have tighthen. Now let the muscle become loose and limp. Feel the relaxation flow into the muscle.

With your mind briefly scan every muscle in your body from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. If you sense a tight muscle, just let it become limp and relaxed.


  • Do the 2-step breath two times.
  • With your mind imagine that you are a limp rag doll. Feel your mind and body become limp and relaxed.
    *** You may use whatever image you like best **

    To quiet your mind first, focus on your breathing. As you breathe in say slowly to yourself "I am" and as you breathe out, say slowly to yourself "calm." When your mind feels calm you may focus only on your breathing, with no thoughts at all.

    Put your mind into your shoulders, arms and hands - imagine and experience them becoming heavy, relaxed and warm.


    You can suggest other techniques to help us relax, by sharing your thoughts here or on our facebook page here.

    Thanks for your support


    How to Relax


  • Think positively. Focus on the beauty in everything.
  • Avoid people that are constantly complaining or angry. Stress can be contagious, so avoid transmitters. Understand that there is always a solution to a problem.
  • Avoid toxic people. Spend less time with people who try to guilt you into doing things or tell you that you're not good enough. Yes, even if they're family.
  • Stop feeling guilty. Guilt is a potent source of stress. Get rid of the source of guilt by behaving yourself; stop engaging in behaviors that make you feel guilty. Seek professional help, if necessary, but don't allow destructive behavior to escalate and sabotage your life and health.
  • Learn to prioritize. Make a list of tasks for the day. Organize the list by importance. Learn to beproactive and take care of things before they become a big problem. Time spent more productively means more free time to relax.
  • Make healthy food choices.
    • Avoid excessive sugar found in granola bars, pastries or soda. Carbohydrates, such as pasta, convert easily to sugar. These can cause severe ups and downs and agitation, upsetting your body's ability to efficiently utilize energy.
    • Avoid excessive coffee. Instead of regular coffee, switch to decaf or an herbal tea with little or no caffeine. Warm water will help you to relax.
    • Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains that are free of refined sugar, such as apples, grapes, carrots, broccoli, brown rice or whole grain breads.
    • Eat plenty of low-calorie protein, such as chicken, fish, whole grains, legumes, dark leafy vegetables or low-fat dairy. These proteins are a better source of energy.
    • Take a multi-vitamin. Some vitamins relieve stress.
  • Exercise every day. This is the best known, scientifically proven way to significantly reduce stress. You'll be amazed at how much easier it is to overcome stress if you exercise regularly.
    • Try at least thirty minutes per day of moderate activity.
    • Walk in the park, woods or on a treadmill.
    • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
    • Park a little further away from the entrance of a store.
    • Ride a bike.
    • Go swimming. Try your local pool, a nearby lake or a friend or relative's home.
    • Increase your activity, once you've built endurance, if desired.
    • You don't need to work out like a body builder or celebrity.
  • Find a quiet place when you are feeling overwhelmed.
    • Draw a warm bath. Light candles around the tub, dim the lights, add bubbles or lavender, if desired.
    • Lay on your bed or sofa. Play some soft music or nature CDs. Relax listening to ocean waves, waterfalls or birds.
    • Read a good book. Curl up on the couch with a blanket and a cup of chamomile tea.
    • Imagine a personal paradise. Close your eyes and envision a different setting. What do you see around you? Is there a breeze? What do you hear - birds or water? Imagine the calming sound of ocean waves reaching the shore. Enjoy a moment in your special place.
    • Even the stall of a bathroom will work if you have no other place to go.
  • Download ebooks on relaxation. Use controlled breathing, muscle tensing and relaxing, affirmations (which become your own subliminal messages to your subconscious), and visualization to experience the full impact of total relaxation.
  • Do yoga. It relaxes your body and clears your mind of the stress and rush of the day.
  • Practice meditation. Remove all thoughts and emotions from your mind by concentrating on your breathing. It takes a little practice, but is very rewarding. Some Buddhist monks use this practice throughout their lives!
  • Breathe more slowly. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Inhale deeply, count to five, then exhale slowly, counting to five. Do this ten times to relax your muscles and nerves.
  • Try a massage. Go to your local spa for a great massage.
  • Lower your shoulders to help relax. Be more consciously aware of the tension that is quick to accumulate in your shoulders.
  • Perform self-hypnosis. Focus on something, take a few deep breaths and let yourself becomehypnotized. If you have trouble with self-hypnosis, go to a licensed hypnotherapist. Do not allow an amateur to try to hypnotize you. Beware of subliminal messages.
  • Be calmed by water. Assemble a small fountain in your bedroom or yard. Walk near a beach or lake. The calming sounds of water are very soothing.
  • Do activities or hobbies that relax you. Get your mind off the things that normally stress you out. You may just need a break every now and then. Go fishing, sew, sing, paint or take photographs.
    • Try singing a song using numbers instead of words. This helps to distract you from stress to suddenly relax.
  • Spend time with your pet. Cuddle or play with your pets. They'll love it and so will you. Talk to your pet about all the stress and anxiety you've been going through and you'll feel a lot better.
  • Read a book or an article that makes you think. Read about a leader, such as Martin Luther King or Frankl's writings about the mind. Inspirational thoughts can lead to a more positive outlook on life and add new energy.
  • Work! Although this may sound counteractive to your goal, procrastination never feels as good as having nothing to do. Get it done now and truly relax.
  • Smile and laugh. Laughter is the best medicine. Rent, buy or see a hilarious movie. This is guaranteed to help. Smiling and laughing releases endorphins, which fights stress, helps to relax and reminds you that life is more than just work. Even if it feels strange at first, make it a point to smile more often.
  • Change your ways If your problem includes something happening at home, then just count to ten, take deep breaths, don't yell, and just find the solution to the problem. If the problem is something you'redoing, then change the way you act. Just listen to those around you to figure out and correct what is wrong.
  • Listen to relaxing music does help!

  • Tips

    • As you begin to exclude sugar from your diet, you may continue to crave it and feel agitated. Be strong. After a couple of days, the cravings will subside and you'll begin to feel more calm.
    • Be confident! Don't give up. Continue with these relaxation techniques. You "can" reduce your stress levels. Just by visiting this site and looking for help, you're already well on your way.
    • source


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